1: Affirmation is the act of expressing your belief in the truth of aparticular statement.
“I support my goals program by affirming the reality of my goals.”
2. The process of affirmation can replace negative attitudes from the past with more positive success attitudes.
“I reinforce my goals program with positive affirmative actions that describe my potential for success.”
3. The most effective affirmations are those you compose for yourself and that are directly related to your goals.
“I am responsible for the thoughts, the ideas, and the information that enter my mind. I carefully choose the ideas that I take in and use to form my attitudes.”
4. Ways to use affirmations are as numerous as your ability to imagine them.
“I have a special place to keep my written affirmations:”
“I have a regular schedule for reading or repeating my affirmations:”
1: Success is the progressive realization of worthwhile, predetermined personal goals.
“I am moving steadily toward the achievement of the goals
that are important to me.“
2. If you are not now making the progress you would like to make and are capable of making, it is simply because your goals are not clearly defined.
“I have clearly defined goals because I sincerely desire success.”
3. It is important to develop a written place for achieving your goal with a deadline for its attainment.
“I write out definite plans for achieving my goals and set deadlines for taking action. I am motivated to take action when I see the deadlines I have set.”
4. Written plans for achieving your goals help you to anticipate possible obstacles and roadblocks and to plan for avoiding them.
“I use a written plan of action to help me avoid obstacles before they slow down my plan for success.”
5. A burning desire for achievement marks the difference between a real goal and a mere wish.
“I enjoy working to achieve my goals because I sincerely desire success.”
6. To be fully successful, you must develop a supreme confidence in yourself and your ability to succeed.
“I am confident that I will reach my goals. I am capable of taking whatever action is necessary, and I am willing to do it.”
1: Goal setting is essential to success, and a self-motivated person is working toward a program of personal goals.
“I take daily action to achieve my personal goals.”
2. Successful goal setting depends upon the “do it now” habit.
“I plan on achieving my goals and then immediately put my plan into action.”
3. The tools of spaced repetition and multisensory perception work together to speed the learning process.
“I listen daily to tapes and read books that will enhance my growth personally and professionally.”
4. Success through goal setting depends upon the willingness to follow a step-by-step process.
“I follow steps in the goal setting process and enjoy the benefits of progressive realization of my dreams.”
1: Visualization is the ability to picture mentally and to experience ideas, events, circumstances, and objects that exist in the future.
“I see myself in possession of the goals for which I am striving. I know they will be mine because I have already experienced them.”
2. The power to visualize is a function of the imagination to see myself in possession of my goals.
“I have a fantastic imagination. I use my imagination to see myself in possession of my goals.”
3. Visualization supports goal setting by allowing you to anticipate possible obstacles to a goal and to devise creative and imaginative solutions and action steps for bringing goals into reality.
“As I write out a plan of action for achieving my goal, I can see myself taking action steps, avoiding obstacles, implanting solutions, and acting in a manner appropriate for one who possesses that goal.”
4. Visualization is a bridge between the past and the present that helps you interpret new experiences.
“I evaluate each new circumstance in light of my past experience.I visualize the various ways I might approach a new situation and determine my best course of action.”
5. Visualization is also a bridge between the present and the future.
“I use my abilities to visualize the future as a decision making tool. I compare the goals I want to achieve in the future with my situation today and my experiences from the past. I can see then my best course of action.”
1: Using imagination and creativity to discover possible goals and make plans to achieve them requires courage.
“I use my imagination and creativity to dream of the goals I want to achieve. I have the courage to be different.”
2. Imagination and creativity will deteriorate if they are not used.
“I have the courage to be imaginative and creative in every area of life.”
3. Gaining self-knowledge requires courage to face the fact that you have some weaknesses. It also requires the courage to admit that you have unused potential and personal strengths that are available for achievement.
“I face the truth about myself with courage and excitement. I am willing to see my weaknesses and work to eliminate them. I am excited about my strengths and my potential and look for creative ways to use them.”
4. Since more power and energy are needed to start movement in a body than to maintain it, courage is often required to make the initial effort to move toward success.
“I have the courage to take the first step toward any goal that is important to me. I am responsible for getting started in my project.”
5. Every instance of progress involves taking some kind of risk.
“I am willing to take intelligent risks based on my self-knowledge and on my dreams. I have courage because I know that my potential for success is unlimited.”
6. Personal values are the beliefs and commitments that guide decisions and choices.
“I have a clear set of personal values that help make wise decisions and choices.”
1: It is possible to develop and sustain self-motivation. It is not an inborn quality available to some but not to others.
“I accept responsibility for producing my own motivations. The goals I set and the plans I make provide me with the challenge and the excitement that help me sustain my motivation for success. I accept responsibility for providing my own motivation.”
2. While fear and incentives are both temporary motivation aids, the real basis for sustained self-motivation is attitude.
“I intentionally adopt attitudes toward myself, toward other people, and toward my environment that help me sustain my motivation for success. I accept responsibility for providing my own motivation.”
3. Attitudes are merely habits of thought. It is possible, therefor, to change your attitudes.
“I have a definite program of building positive attitudes for success. I accept responsibility for my own attitudes.”
4. Goals must be written and specific.
“My written goals are so clearly defined that I can see them in my imagination.”
5. Your goals must be personal.
“I accept responsibility for choosing my own goals, for planning to attain them, and for taking action.”
6. Goals must be realistic and attainable as well as challenging.
“I set high goals that challenge the need to use all of my potential. I set goals that represent substantial progress. I know I can achieve my goals because I am willing to stretch myself to the fullest capacity and to follow my plan with determination.”
1: Self-knowledge is one of the necessary prerequisites to success in goal setting.
“I know myself better than anyone else can possibly know me. I know my strengths, my weaknesses, and what I aspire to become. I use this knowledge to move toward achievement of my goals.”
2. Establishing clear personal priorities allows you to plan for the future in a logical, reasonable and organized fashion.
“I have clear priorities for each area of my life. I use my priorities as a guide in planning which goals I will undertake next.”
3. Your personal values are the basis upon which you may assign priorities.
“I have a clearly defined system of values in every area of life. I use the values as guidelines for setting priorities and working towards my goals.”
4. Your value system is highly personal. Any attempt to force it into a mold other than your own will result in frustration and conflict.
“I live my life according to the system of values that I have chosen for myself. I judge the value of my achievements against my value system – not against what other people have achieved.”
1: The unlimited potential you already possess is a part of the abundance available in nature for anyone who is willing to reach out for it.
“I am grateful for the abundance of life that is available to me. I use my full potential as a tool for claiming my share of the abundance of life.”
2. The only real limits that can be placed on a person’s potential are self-inflicted restrictions that result from accepting false opinions and negative attitudes about oneself.
“I recognize no limits to my capacity for success. I can achieve whatever I desire.”
3. Success always involves progress, growth, and change. Life is never static.
“I am excited about the opportunities I have to grow and to change. I welcome new ideas, new opportunities ,and new circumstances.”